How to become a dog groomer: 7 easy steps

How to become a dog groomer

If you love dogs and want to know “how to become a dog groomer“. You can become a dog groomer by starting your grooming salon or by working at a grooming salon. As a dog groomer, you are responsible for cleaning, cutting, and maintaining dog looks. After becoming a dog groomer you have to bathe, brush, trim nails, clean the ears, and style or cut the hair of dogs. Dog groomers play important roles in dog’s hygiene. After becoming a dog groomer you will get a chance to work with different dogs species. As a dog groomer, you will play an important role in dogs with good skin health.

This article consists of all the basic steps of how to become a dog groomer with its importance and other Knowledge that is important for you if you want to become a dog groomer

7 steps to become a dog groomer

Step 1

Gain experience with dogs

The first step to “how to become a dog groomer” is to get familiar with dogs. Practice to handle dogs at the time of grooming. Get experience with the reactions of dogs during their grooming and the methodology to behave or manage their reaction during grooming. For this, you can start by practicing it on your dog pet if you own one. Otherwise, you can do it as a volunteer in a dog shelter or dog rescue organization. It will help you gain experience with different species and breeds and increase your experience and confidence. You will learn how to handle dogs while grooming.

a girl is brushing her dog

Step 2

 Enrollments in dog grooming course

The second step to “how to become a dog groomer” is enrollment in a professional dog grooming course. It must be after getting basic knowledge about dogs and their behavior or handling during grooming. These courses are offered by different grooming schools. Their syllabus includes dog anatomy, skin health, skincare, and diseases. Grooming schools also provide deep training on grooming techniques, grooming tools, and breed-specific grooming. It’s not necessary you can learn these on your own. Some people may have high grooming skills through self-learning. But people with professional courses have high skills and knowledge so their confidence and expertise are much more professional than self-learners.

Step 03


 The third step to “how to become a dog groomer” is to get a certificate. Certification programs have to be recognized by the National Dog Groomer Association of America (NDGAA)or International Professional Groomers (IPG). Certification is also not important, but it will help you to get a job, attract customers, and earn a high amount. It is important when you want to seek a job It determines your skills and guarantees your grooming skills are meeting industrial and professional standards.

Step 04

Hand on Experience

The fourth step to “how to become a dog groomer” is to get real-world experience after completing studies and training. Hands-on experience is a must, and it added a plus point to your resume. A dog groomer can get hands-on experience through internships. This will refine a dog’s Groomer skills and increase experience.

Step 05

 Develop a portfolio  

The fifth step to “how to become a dog groomer” is to make a portfolio and show your work. It is the most important step in the process of becoming a dog groomer because it will attract your clients and employers. 

 A portfolio includes all your experiences certification, pictures of dogs before and after grooming, comments or feedback from your clients details of services you offer, and much more that defines you, your skills, and your expertise as a dog groomer.

 Step 06

The sixth step to”how to become a dog groomer” is to understand the basic business techniques. It is also not important for every dog groomer, but it must be for a dog groomer who decided to run his/ her own grooming business. A dog groomer who plans to start his own grooming business must have the basic knowledge of running a business. He should be also aware of the process of marketing, budgeting, creating business plans, customer services, and administration.

 Step 07

 Continue Education and stay updated

The final step to “how to become a dog groomer” is to stay updated and keep your knowledge up-to-date. It is the most important step because the dog grooming industry is continuing to evolve with time You can also get hands-on experience by working at a local grooming salon, veterinary clinic, or pet store. It will help you to handle challenging situations. New techniques, tools, and methods are introduced with time. So to stay in competition and satisfy your customers, it’s important to stay updated and improve your skills. It also plays an important role in refining your skills and techniques and offering clients the best services.

Grooming Conditions according to dog breeds

A dog groomer knows that different dog breeds have different dog grooming specifications. Here is a table showing the basic grooming processes and responsibilities of dog groomers according to dog breed type.

Dog Breed TypeBasic Grooming ProcessesResponsibility of Dog Groomer
Long-Haired BreedsFrequent brushing (daily or several times a week). Regular trimming or styling. Bathing and drying Prevent matting by detangling and brushing thoroughly.  Regular trims to maintain coat shape. Clean ears, eyes, and nails.
Short-Haired BreedsBrushing (usually once a week). Bathing as needed. Nail trimmingBrush to remove loose hair and minimize shedding. Regular bathing to keep the coat clean. Ensure nails are trimmed.
Curly or Wavy-Haired BreedsSkincare (moisturizing). Regular bathing. Nail trimming. Comb and brush to prevent tangles. Regular trims to keep the curly or wavy coat in shape. Trim and clean nails, ears, and eyes.
Double-Coated BreedsFrequent brushing (especially during shedding season). Bathing as needed. Nail trimmingRegular brushing to remove undercoat and prevent matting. Bathing to keep the outer coat healthy. Proper trimming of nails, cleaning ears and eyes.
Hairless BreedsSkin care (moisturizing). Regular bathing. Nail trimming.Keep the skin moisturized and free from dirt. Bathing to keep skin healthy. Ensure nails are properly trimmed.
Working Breeds (e.g., Shepherds, Huskies)Regular brushing (especially during shedding). Bathing as needed. Nail trimming.Brush out thick coats to prevent matting and shedding. Regular trims to maintain coat health. – Clean ears and nails as necessary.
Toy Breeds  (e.g., Poodles, Yorkies)Frequent brushing and combing (daily). Regular trims. Bathing and dryingRegular combing to prevent tangling and matting. Frequent trims to maintain a neat appearance. Clean ears, and eyes, and trim nails.
Sporting Breeds (e.g., Retrievers, Spaniels)Regular brushing. Bathing after outdoor activities. Nail trimming Brush regularly to remove loose fur. Bathe to remove dirt after outdoor play. Trim nails, clean ears, and eyes.

What to know about dog groomers and grooming

 A dog groomer must know all of these things. Firstly, dog groomers have to work for many hours continuously. Grooming is not an easy job. If you are becoming a good groomer, you should know that grooming requires patience, attention, and calmness even in difficult and hyper situations. Secondly, a dog groomer must know that grooming requires knowledge of different dog breeds.

Lastly, before becoming a dog groomer you must know that grooming is not about the physical look of a dog. Dog Grooming is about the overall good health of a dog. As a dog groomer, your major responsibility is to identify the health issues of dogs and suggest treatments or techniques to reduce harm or treat those diseases. To maintain the hinge of a dog. The main responsibility of a dog groomer is to enhance the quality and quantity of a dog’s life and is also responsible for a dog’s healthy living.

Petcaretime suggestion

 Petcaretime suggests that if you want to become a dog groomer you should follow the rules of practice, patience, and staying calm in difficult situations. As a dog groomer, you should know the different breeds of dogs and their specific grooming needs. A dog groomer must pay attention to dog skin and coat health. A dog groomer you should have the ability to handle dogs during grooming. To become a professional dog groomer you have to get certifications or do dog grooming courses to polish your skills. As an ideal dog groomer, you should keep your knowledge and yourself updated. You should use new tools and techniques so that you can stay in competition. A dog groomer must be professional and have excellent professional communication skills to deal with the dog’s owner or customers.